Task 29
Task 29
SHC Task 29

Solar Crop Drying

Moyu Drying - China

This project was proposed by the Chinese government authority as a substitute for another project in China which did not proceed.  The project scope was to install a solar air preheat system on the new workshops of the Lianghe MoYu Taro Products Limited Company. The company built a 2000 square metre addition to its existing plant in Yunan Province in southern China.  The new plant is designed to produce 15 tonnes of flour and 30 tonnes of dried slices per day.

Moyu is the tuber of the Amorpohallus Konjac K. Koch plant.  It is also known as Konjac, devil’s tongue, voodoo lily, and magic taro.  Konjac flour is made from the tubers.  It is used in China and Japan for making noodles and gelatin for thickening stews, sauces and soups.

Task 29 experts designed a solar system with 450 m2 of perforated Solarwall panels to produce 817 gJ/yr.  This system displaces 28 tonnes of coal burning per year which is not only an energy saving but reduces pollution, a major problem in the area.

Ultimately, the company elected to install 900m2 of collector to meet the design requirements of a future expansion which will double the capacity of the plant.  Since the collectors will not operate as designed until the next phase is completed, the Task experts decided not to monitor this project.

Moyu drying plant showing solar panels on main roof
Moyu drying plant showing solar panels on main roof

Close up of perforated solar panels on moyu plant roof
Close up of perforated solar panels on moyu plant roof

Ducting from solar panels mounted under the roof
Ducting from solar panels mounted under the roof